62 William Street - 9th Floor
New York, New York 10005

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       212 - 732 - 2225

More about Wiesner Law Firm


Admitted to practice in New York, New Jersey,
Federal Courts and U.S. Tax Court.
In 1984, Neal Wiesner was arrested on Federal narcotics kingpin charges (21 U.S.C. § 848) carrying a maximum sentence of life imprisonment. While those charges were pending, Mr. Wiesner was tried on New York State charges of attempted murder and other violent offenses. At trial, the judge presiding tried to force a lawyer on him, which he resisted causing the Court, at one point, to threaten to have him bound and gagged or tried in absentia. Later, the People would claim that he forced the Court into error.

He was convicted and received the maximum sentence of twenty-five years.

Studying on his own while in prison, after being represented by lawyers who failed in the appellate efforts they made for him, Mr. Wiesner rejected further representation convinced he could do a better job representing himself.

He filed a pro se petition for habeas corpus in Federal District Court which resulted in vacating his State convictions and winning his release in 1989. After being incarcerated for more than five years, Federal District Judge Gerard L. Goettel, who presided over his narcotics charges, helped him get into law school. Later, Judge Goettel aided in getting Neal admitted to practice law, joining a host of distinguished judges and lawyers as well as members of law enforcement, among others, in doing so.

After Mr. Wiesner's law school graduation, he worked for years drafting appeals for former judges and law firms, as well as drafting litigation papers in complex matters. Former New York State Supreme Court Appellate Division Justice John Carro called him "the best clerk I ever had." To this day, a significant portion of his practice involves the representation of attorneys on various matters.

He is currently admitted to practice law in the States of New York and New Jersey and multiple federal District and Circuit jurisdictions as well as United States Tax Court.

Mr. Wiesner carries a copy of the Constitution with him at all times.



  • Adult Businesses / First Amendment
  • Appeals
  • Attorney Admissions
  • Attorney Disciplinary/Ethics Complaints
  • Complex Civil/Commercial Litigation
  • Construction Accidents
  • Contested Divorce
  • Contested Family Matters
  • Criminal Defense (white collar, non-white collar)
  • Habeas Corpus
  • Medical Marijuana
  • OFAC
  • Physician Misconduct/Discipline
  • Post-Conviction Remedies
  • Serious Personal Injuries
  • Sex Offenses
  • Tax/Whistleblower Cases



62 William Street - 9th Floor
New York, NY 10005
TEL: 1-212-732-2225
FAX: 1-646-678-3532
